The Gavera
A Heritage Template for the Dolmen Tribes of the Gavera
The Gavera, a species found in northern temperate climates (usually in
mountain, forest and taiga/tundra envrionments) is humanity's chief
competition for surface habitat on the world of Tarvedel. Also underground
dwellers, the Gavera are believed to be a major species of the Deep Lands in
the heart of Tarvedel itself, though humanity is less aware of the current
situation in the deep underground.
The Dolmen Tribal Confederacy is an extremely loose, barely-existent alliance
of between thirty and fifty Gavera family groups and tribes, each varying in
size from 20-30 members to several hundred individuals. The Gavera of the
confederacy are believed to occupy territories both on the surface and under
it, in both the Dolmen Hills and the northeastern portions of the Forest of
Like most Gavera, the members of the Dolmen Tribes average about 8 feet in
height and often weigh close to 300 pounds. They stand on two massively
built legs in a deeply bent, hunched stance which seems unnatural to a human
observer, but which is in fact an evolved trait to help them fight smaller,
shorter prey. Covered with short, thick fur on a heavy hide, they are often
colored in grays, browns, whites and other earthy tones. Their faces are
chiefly noted for having a thick short snout and large nostrils, which
contract or expand depending on how extreme their exertions are, probably to
increase oxygen intake. Gavera have large, almost floppy ears, but their
faces lack the fur common to the rest of their bodies. Instead, it tends to
be beige or very dark brown, marked either by a very tiny scale pattern of
triangles, or very fine wrinkles. Their eyes are large and round with
horizontal pupils, possessing a triple lid: one seems to be for sleeping;
one for filtering the eye without blinking; and one for special focus at
night or total darkness. The overall impression is one of stupidity and
slowness. Neither is an accurate assessment.
Fighting Gaveras present a number of special problems. They can go bezerk in
battle; or they may flee in the face of sudden surprises. Gavera's tough
hide makes them difficult to wound, adding to the problems of fighting these
difficult and canny creatures. However, disease and age damage them
terribly. In addition, though their sight in darkness is excellent, they are
nocturnal. Their good sense of smell is balanced by poor hearing. Finally,
their own internal fighting makes them less frequent enemies than might be
Physical Traits
Avg. Frame Value (male): 8
min/max values 6/11
Avg. Frame Value (female) 7
min/max values: 6/12
variation: average
Avg. Height Value (male): 14
Min/Max: 10/18
Avg. Height Value (female): 13
Min/max: 9/17
Variation: average.
Avg. Physique value (male) 5
min/max: 3/8
Avg. Physique value (female) 6
min/max: 3/8
variation: low.
Average Lifespan: 55
Child 0-6; Adolescent 7-12; Young 13-18; Adult 19-50; Old 51-80; Elderly 81-95;
Venerable 96+.
Men 48%/Women 52%
Inherent Aspects
Ages Poorly, -6; Strong Stomach, +3; Darksight, +6; Sense of Smell, +4; Poor
Hearing, -4; Sensitive to light, -2.
Recommended Aspects
Disease; Ferocity, Involuntary.
Minimum Attributes
Endurance = 3, Hardiness = 2, Strength = 2, Quickness = 2
Unique Aspects
Gavera females begin to grow long claws during their pregnancies, which they
use both to defend themselves against amorous males and defend their children
for the first few months after birth. The claws vary from individual to
individual, but the breeding seasons for Gavera usually fall in October and
November, with the children born seven months later. As a result, the common
Gavera raiding season is in April, May, and June, when the voracious
appetites of the young eat tribes out of the remainder of winter stores and
early spring hunting and gathering. Females who have given birth usually
have claws from January until August.
Trauma Resistance (+3)
Mental & Spiritual Traits
Inherent: Poor Memory (-3)
Recommended: Superstition (-4); Gift (magic); Low confidence
Development Considerations
Profile Restrictions
Only a warrior who has killed another Gavera has the right to mate. By
extension, only a gavera who has won the right to have food is fed. As a
result, internal squabbles occupy a lot of the Gaveras' time.
Inherent Expertises
Language -- Gaverake
Recommended Expertises
Script -- Gaverake (N.B. -- this is a 1 word=1 symbol system with a very
small vocabulary of signs. Writing is extremely simple, but not very
effective. No more than Rank 1 in this script.)
Cultural Features
Environmental Adaptation
Gavera are clearly designed for colder-weather environments, and their diet
depends in part on the woody composition of some types of bark, and,
according to some unreliable accounts, certain types of underground fungus.
As a result, they are tied to the colder temperate regions, and to regions
where part of their diet comes from.
From a human point of view, Gavera are raiders, parasites and a clear fringe
element which should be wiped out. They are hardly dominant, being confined
to certain wilderness areas from which they emerge to do battle from time to
time, often in search of tools and materials which they cannot make
themselves, such as weapons.
Heritage Orientation
War/Active (Ethnocentric); Aquisition (Goods, honor, mates)
The Gavera are a raiding culture with extreme views of honor. In Gavera
culture, only Gavera may possess honor, and honor may only be obtained by the
shedding of the blood of others; the capture of their property by blood,
guile or fear of the honored one; or by the capture of their mates. While
Gavera culture is largely patriarchal, women often live by these same tenets,
since they are usually as strong and as fierce as the males. It is advisable
not to cut a Gavera female off from her next and her babies.
Customs & Lifestyle
In general, Gavera culture recognizes three forms of power. First, it
recognizes spiritual power in the form of the Gift of magic, which Gavera
possess in about the same ratio as humanity does. Second, it recognizes and
values wealth, in the form of not of money but of goods and interesting
materials. Gavera leaders engage in elaborate gift-exchanging sessions, as
well. The more elaborate gifts, by extension, required greater honor to
obtain in order to give them. Since these gifts were often taken from human
settlements and travelers, it is little wonder that human settlements are
raided often. Since honor is also aquired through victories in battle,
raiding has a further benefit: the accrual of honor.
Gavera are largely nocturnal, dwelling in caves whenever possible. Gaveran
honor requires frequent honor-duels, both between individuals and groups.
Gaverans have a difficult time recovering from disease, and many often die
of gangrene or worse, much of it caused by the unsanitary conditions of these
Symbols & Art
The Gavera have a simple written language, consisting of a hundred or so
symbols, each representing a word or concept. The language is extremely
primitive, lacking a number of important words, possessing no numbers, and
containing only a dozen or so verbs. The Gavera have some ability with
mining and metalworking, and while their work is often crude, it does have a
certain charm to the right people. More often than not, Gavera pieces must
be resized or merely inspire similar works by humans, since the Gavera are so
much larger than humans.
Religion & Magic
Gavera tribes each have a totem spirit which serves as a guardian and guide.
Tribal shamans are believed to be called by the spirit to service, though it
is believed that many shamans possess the Gift and use Starwater, like
ordinary humans. The spirits are often believed to be mere fabrications on
an otherworldly power to allow the shaman some dominance over the tribe.
Gavera tend to be superstitious, however, and so the dominance of the
Shamanic class in not unusual, despite the fraud. All gavera, the Dolmen
Tribal spirits aside, usually worship the Twins Kagach and Murekagh, more out
of fear than any sense of devotions. It can hardly be argued that the
Shamans of the Twins are among the most despised-- and most feared-- of the
Gavera mystics.
Gaverake seems to be a gutteral descendant tongue of Nethraic, like many of
the languages of the Underground. The origin of its symbolic written form is
currently unknown.
Status & Family
Gavera are patriarchal and patrilineal; the Gavera bulls are simply more
wrathful and more dangerous than the females. Even so, the society is
polyamorous, with the whole community responsible for children until children
decide to challenge the authority of an adult by physical aggression. At
that point, the child seems to become an adult in the eyes of the community;
as a result, many children die at this point, and the survivors become
significantly meaner.
Clothing & Decoration
As noted earlier, the Gavera are fond of valuable objects, which they both
make and steal. Clothing is rare among the Gavera, except for tribal leaders
and especially tribal shamans. Pieces of chain mail, armor and weapons are
often popular; and most individuals of any standing at all possess a number
of jewelry pieces of varying sizes.
Historical Notes
The Gavera and humans of Deira have been locked in an age-old struggle for
dominance of the river valley, Vadron Forest, and the Dolmen Hills. How long
this conflict will endure is uncertain, but it is likely it will last for
some time; a number of the Dukes and their chief vassals have lost their
lives to these creatures, and the oaths of blood-vengeance on both sides seem
to be piled sky-high.
©1995 Andrew Watt (; comments/suggestions welcome
Converted to HTML 19 April 1995 by Sixten Otto (