Thanks for taking the time to look the place over! If you want to drop me a line, you can reach me at or check out my homepage at
I won't bore you with personal details; instead, I'll bore you by documenting my sources. If you don't care, then, please, go back and look at the fun stuff!
Most of the art has been scanned from various Last Unicorn Games products, namely the Heresy: Kingdom Come cards and packaging. Some has been more or less modified. All of the art is the property of the artist who produced it (in the case of card art) or of Last Unicorn itself.
The text is largely my own, but some of it has been drawn from the cards or from Gustav Davidson's excellent Dictionary of Angels. Even when this is the case, I have made a concerted effort to make the words, if not the concepts, my own.
I have tried, wherever possible, to display the copyrights for all the material not of my own creation used in this site. All original content is ©Copyright 1995-2001 Sixten Otto.
Heresy: Kingdom Come, Forsaken Earth and all character names and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Last Unicorn Games. Used without permission. No challenge or deliberate infringement is intended to the status of these or any other trademarks of Last Unicorn Games.